
The Book of Ezekiel

The controversial Book of Ezekiel nearly didn't make it into the biblical canon, but it has had a lasting impact on both liturgical practice and mystical traditions.

How the Book of Esther Changed

Several Greek versions of the Purim story survive, along with the biblical text we read today.

Dealing with the God Question

Secular humanistic parents and educators face unique challenges in speaking to kids about God.

The Mikveh’s Significance in Traditional Conversion

Immersion in the mikveh actualizes the transition between the convert's old identity and his or her new one as a Jew.

1950s America: A ‘Golden Age’ for Jews

After World War II, Judaism thrived in America, and the country awarded its Jews insider status.

Rebecca Gratz

The woman who created the American-style Hebrew school demonstrated that one could be fully Jewish and fully American.

God’s Gender: A Traditionalist View

If we reject male God language, we lose a powerful metaphor: the husband-wife relationship between God and the Jews.

Seeking Fact, Finding the Unknowable

Debra Spark is the author of The Pretty Girl, a collection of stories about art and deception.In literature, as in ...

The 4 Most Important Things the Maccabees Teach Us

Lessons in hope, courage, purity, and faith, from the Maccabees and the Hanukkah miracles.

Puntos de vista judíos sobre la homosexualidad

Los temas sobre la homosexualidad en el judaísmo
