
B’reshit and Bashert: In Our beginning, All Kinds of Love Were Sanctified

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

Parashat Emor: Difference and the Service of the Lord

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. Each ...

Hanukkah: Holiday of Queer Miracles

I’m skeptical of Hanukkah. Maybe it’s the rampant commercialism that defines the entire month of December. Maybe it’s the way ...

A Paradigm for Environmental Consciousness

Noah innovated a lifestyle of environmental awareness and action.

David Ben-Gurion

The first prime minister of the Jewish state.

Who is the Messiah?

Jewish sources have not, as a general rule, focused attention on the specific personal qualities of the Messiah.

Rebecca’s Spiritual Crisis

Like Rebecca, we should turn toward God, not away, in our moments of spiritual crisis.

“Say No to Non!” – Let’s Ban the Phrase “Non-Jew”

Every person, every group, and every community sometimes needs a mirror to see itself clearly and sense its own conscience.

Our Relationship to Other Creatures

There are real actions we can take to preserve species diversity.
