
Is “Justice” a Process or a Result?

The Problem of HomelessnessWhen we think of societal problems, we often think in the abstract. Take the question of “homelessness.” ...

Talmud is Not a Code of Law

In working out the ideas behind the statements of the rabbis, the Talmud serves not as a law code but as a work of Jewish legal theory.

Accepting Absurdity

How Jews' focus on language and texts set the stage for the "crazy reasoning" of Jewish humor

Parashat Vaera: Summary

Through Moses and Aaron, God brings plagues on the Egyptians, and Pharaoh repeatedly refuses to allow the Israelites to leave.

Parashat Ki Tissa: Hashem and Equity

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. Each ...

Stumbling Blocks of Consumerism

We need to learn to produce, sell, and consume fewer unnecessary products.

What Is A Mikveh?

Whether you're dunking for conversion or for any other reason, here's what to expect at the ritual bath.

Who is the Messiah?

Jewish sources have not, as a general rule, focused attention on the specific personal qualities of the Messiah.

A Communal Mourning

On Tisha B'Av, re-enacting the sorrow felt by those who survived the destruction of the Temple

Jonah’s Lesson in Divine Mercy

Scholars have long disagreed on the central message of the Book of Jonah.
