
Did Moses Write the Torah?

Although modern traditionalist Judaism uniformly affirms the divinity of the Torah, classical sources disagree on what role Moses had in its production.

Zionism in Ukraine

How and why Ukraine was arguably the most important cradle for early Zionists.

How Does Jewish Matchmaking Work?

Finding a partner through a matchmaker (shadchan) is traditional in some Jewish communities.

Sifra and Sifre

Legal midrash on Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

The Right to Privacy in Judaism

Judaism values privacy, but it's unclear how much.

Ransoming Captive Jews

An important commandment calls for the redemption of Jewish prisoners, but how far should this mitzvah be taken?

Series: A Letter to my Younger Self

This post is part one of a longer series of posts in which members of the Keshet community write letters to ...

A Book and Its Translators

It was a freezing afternoon outside Warsaw in March 2012, and I was sitting in a cramped hut listening to ...
