
The Anthropological Implications of Suffering

The rabbis of the talmudic era were more interested in the human response to suffering than in finding theological justifications for its existence.

Rabbinic Development of Passover

The seder takes shape in the rabbinic period.


A cinematic look at the life of resistance fighters.

A History of Brit Milah

Shifting views and philosophies about the Jewish practice of circumcising baby boys on the eighth day of life.

Yom Ha’atzmaut Online Ceremonies and Resources

Israel Independence Day begins the evening of April 28, 2020

Puntos de vista judíos sobre la homosexualidad

Los temas sobre la homosexualidad en el judaísmo

Jewish Ethical Wills (Tzava’ot)

A rich tradition, these free-form documents can provide comfort to the dying and their loved ones.

The Amidah

Moving from praise to petition to thanksgiving, the Amidah inculcates a sense of connection to God.
