
The Nigun

A mystical musical prayer introduced by Hasidic Judaism.

Shabbat in the Modern World

In modern times, non-Orthodox Jews have largely abandoned Shabbat observance, despite many innovations intended to encourage it.

The Commandments: Biblical Reasons to Obey

There are a number of reasons given to obey God's laws.

Israeli Sports

Moving into the international arena.

Pinchas and Intermarriage

The Torah portion deals with intermarriage, a phenomenon with contemporary resonance.

Planning and Celebrating Your Daughter’s Brit Bat

Parents face many choices in preparing a welcoming ceremony and party for their baby girl.

Conservative Judaism Today

Smaller but more committed, the movement is seeing vibrant, sometimes divisive debate as it navigates between tradition and change.

Zionism in Ukraine

How and why Ukraine was arguably the most important cradle for early Zionists.

The 10 Best Quotes from the Book of Proverbs

This biblical book of sayings and advice is full of wisdom.
