
How I Ended Up Delivering the Sermon on Rosh Hashanah

Over the summer, Larry, the organizer of the minyan that I attend for Rosh Hashanah, sent out an email asking ...

The Eight Genders in the Talmud

Judaism has recognized nonbinary persons for millennia.

Raise Game: Jewish and LGBTQ Heroes

“Raise game.” When I began rabbinical school, a friend of mine who was already ordained offered me these two words ...

Parashat Ki Tisa: Summary

God continues describing the Tabernacle to Moses; the people worship the Golden Calf, Moses pleads on their behalf, and God forgives them.

Yizkor: The Unending Conversation

Yizkor is part of an ongoing conversation with the dead, but what we don't realize is that we constantly converse with the dead in daily life.

Welcoming the Convert into the Family of Israel

Israel's responsibilities toward converts begin with equal protection, but ultimately require the full integration of the convert into the family of Israel.

The Context of Purim

Purim and the month of Adar.

Rain as a Blessing

Ecological balance and our prayer for rain.
