
Conversion History: Late 20th Century

Jewish attitudes toward conversion began to change as spouses of non-Jews remained loyal to Judaism and more converts chose Judaism.

We Asked 5 Jewish Chefs What They Serve for Rosh Hashanah

From kreplach to tayglach, these chefs keep it traditional and delicious.

Christianity’s Historical Context

Understanding the world in which Christianity developed helps understand Christian beliefs.

When a Jewish Child Dies

It may feel like walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

The Best Jewish Food in Toronto

Honey boiled bagels, old school delis, and modern Israeli cuisine too.

History of American Jewish Humor: The 1980s

Cheers, Family Ties and two characters named Harry and Sally.

Future of Jewish Humor

Can Jewish-American humor survive the assimilationist 21st century?

My Best Friend Came Out At Our Yeshiva

In September, a family member came out to me after months of struggling with his sexual orientation. He cited the ...

The Future of Jewish Food

Last year in Berkeley, Rae and I attended the Deli Summit to discuss the direction of Jewish food and deli ...
