
Daf Yomi

This global project of Jewish learning, now accessible to all.

Chocolate Cranberry Challah Rolls with Citrus Sugar

Simple, sophisticated and just a little fancy.

A Mural & A Swastika

Hanging out with my brothers eventually leads to a discussion about basketball–specifically, about the Sacramento Kings. This weekend, when I ...

Honey Pomegranate Cake

I have a love-hate relationship with the High Holidays (who doesn’t!?). It always seems to coincide with a busy time ...

Science and the Talmud

The Talmudic approach to the sciences, from astronomy to botany.

Instant Pot Georgian Pomegranate Chicken Recipe

The easiest chicken for the holidays or any time.

This City is the Next Hot Spot for Jewish Food

Time to head West for all the trendiest Jewish food.

The Lesson in Abundance

The 15th of Shvat is a call to share our wealth.


Jewish women's interest links

The Ultimate Summer Camp Playlist

Music is a huge part of Jewish camp.  Whether it’s a ruach filled song session or a mix tape playing ...
