
God’s Abortive Assassination Attempt

Parshat Shmot which we read this week contains one of the most bizarre incidents in all of the Torah. By ...

Philo Judaeus: Philosophical Pilgrim

Philo worked to reconcile Hellenism and the Hebrew Scriptures.

The Commandments: Biblical Reasons to Obey

There are a number of reasons given to obey God's laws.

Rachel Stern Talks About “Ban the Bar Mitzvah”

Earlier this week, Jewish parenting website, a sister blog here on, published a blog post by rabbinical student Patrick ...

Never Return to Egypt

Resisting the temptation to return, geographically or psychologically, to the site of our bondage.

Sarah Tuttle-Singer on Jewrotica

There’s a new player on the Jewish blog scene, and it’s not holding back. Jewrotica is a “pluralistic and sex-positive organization ...

Jewish Women Deserve Better

Five months ago, I wrote about my struggles as a newly married woman in adjusting to the observance of Taharat ...

What Makes The Land Holy?

The land of Israel is sacred by virtue of the sacred actions performed by its inhabitants.

Ask the Expert: Shabbat in the Land of the Midnight Sun

How can I tell when Shabbat starts if it never gets dark?

The Tangled History of Noodle Kugel

From sweet to spicy, a love of lockshen kugel unites the Jews.
