
Sticky Toffee Pudding Is the Perfect Rosh Hashanah Dessert

This classic British pud is sweet and luxurious.

Why You Should Be Grilling Like an Israeli This Summer

Get yourself a portable grill and have a party.

What’s an Interfaith Rabbi?

Last week The New Republic ran a story saying that the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the seminary of the American Jewish ...

Let Rabbis Lead!

Last month Rabbi Yamin Levy (note: I studied with Rabbi Levy when I was a rabbinical student at YCT Rabbinical ...

Small Town Field Trip for Fort Worth Teens

One of the foundational ideas behind the ISJL is that mid-size and large congregations should build connections to smaller Jewish ...

Inclusion: Do We Really Really Want You?

There is an old rabbinic tale of Hillel and Shammai, the rabbinic leaders of their generation. A would-be convert comes ...

An Unorthodox Shiva Minyan

The important thing is not how many separate injunctions are obeyed but how and in what spirit we obey them. ...

More on the GA and da Young Folk

JTA’s Jacob Berkman has written up a detailed article about the “youth-focused” sessions at the GA. He quotes me criticizing ...

Symbols of Hanukkah

From sufganiyot to the hannukiah, here are the major symbols of the holiday.

The Jewish History of Candy Cigarettes

This retro candy has a surprising Jewish legacy.
