
Searching for My People

My first job out of college was at a large insurance company in Baltimore. I was a computer programmer there, ...

Sephardic Cuisine

An overview of the wide variety of food eaten by the descendants of the Spanish exile.

How Israeli Summers Made Me Fall in Love with Watermelon

Whether sliced or paired with salty ingredients, I just couldn't get enough.

One Small Sound for Women, One Large Blast for Womankind.

On the first day of Rosh Hashana I was invited to call the kolot (sounds) for the shofar. I must ...

The Adventures of Todd and God

Episode 2: How to Eat a New Fruit on Rosh Hashanah

Lessons from Camp and the High Holidays

The buses have rolled away, the bags are unpacked, the phone calls between your campers and their friends are sending ...

Religion and Having Children

My grandfather was a  Kohen , which I’ve learned (thanks to Google) means he was a Jewish priest, a descendant ...

Why I Look Forward to Fasting

Finding meaning on Yom Kippur is nourishing in its own way

Yom Kippur and Rebuilding

If this were a normal year, I would be preparing for one of the most powerful moments of prayer in ...
