
Time Flies, And Also, Lasts Forever

Aaron: “I think you’re underestimating how long a minute is.” SBB: “It’s 60 seconds.” The above conversation happened late at ...

Wanted: Muslim-Jewish Dialogue

Rabbi Eric Yoffie’s speech at the Islamic Society of North America conference has been flagged by other Jewish leaders as ...

Ari the Big Gay Rabbinical Student: On Navigating Two Challenging Identities

Deciding to become a rabbi is a momentous decision. For a gay man, the decision is even more fraught. In ...

Will You Travel Through Space and Time with Me?: A Proposal at a Pride Parade

In honor of Valentine’s Day we are sharing love stories this month. We’re kicking things off with a two part ...

Does Interfaith Dialogue Work?

I ask this question often, in one form or another. And often, people answer with a cynical “No.”A business leader ...

Yevamot 39

Do we still perform levirate marriage?
