
The Never Ending Book

On Monday, our guest-blogger C. Alexander London wrote about being an accidental adventurer. He will be blogging all week for ...

We Were Slaves — We Know What It Means to Not Fit In

The test of a community is not how it receives the most powerful, but how it welcomes the most vulnerable.

East Meets West

This morning, I blogged about the poetry of Taha Muhammad Ali and his translator, Peter Cole. In July, I wrote ...

Reckoning — Not Revenge

Are there stories in the Jewish canon that shed light on how to reckon with evil without losing one's moral foundation?

“What if I can’t spell Hope?”

“I propose that you, Mr. President, declare a state of moral emergency.  A Marshal Plan for aid to negroes is ...

What You Need to Know About the Autism Spectrum

Often misunderstood, autism spectrum disorder encompasses a wide range of behaviors and personalities—it can also give a person some unique strengths. Here’s what it really means to have autism.

The United Nations Partition Plan of 1947

The details of this ill-fated effort to create a two-state solution for Jews and Palestinians.

Accepting Absurdity

How Jews' focus on language and texts set the stage for the "crazy reasoning" of Jewish humor
