
Debbie Friedman: Singing Unto God

A self-taught musical phenomenon, she had a huge impact on liberal Jewish worship.

How I Got My Mr. Fix-It Dad to Stop Trying to Fix Me

If there’s a lightbulb out or some Ikea furniture to put together, we ask my dad to do it. If ...

Ketubot 77

Talmudic brain surgery.

Sex, Violence, and, Shades of Grey

The Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy is everywhere. I saw a woman reading it the subway last week and another ...

Jewish Refugees During and After the Holocaust

Jews fleeing the Nazis had difficulty finding countries that would take them in.

Awakening From Above

The Month of Nisan and Passover.

Mitzvot: Contemporary Understandings

For Jewish religious thinkers in our time, the question "why observe mitzvot?" has become a central and critical concern. Some answers echo earlier periods, some are new.

The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

If you had walked into Washington D.C.’s L’Enfant Plaza on the morning of January 12, 2007, you would have been ...
