
Don’t Pray, Communicate! A Book Review of Holistic Prayer

To understand the newest book by Rabbi Avi Weiss one needs to tell a story that appears in the book, ...

Reaching Out To Those In Need

Numerous translators of the Bible understand differently the command to strengthen those that are falling low, but all agree on its importance.

Ransoming Captive Jews

An important commandment calls for the redemption of Jewish prisoners, but how far should this mitzvah be taken?

The Uniqueness of the Holocaust

For some theologians, the evils of the Holocaust were unique; others believe they can be integrated into traditional theological discourse.

This Map Shows Where to Get the Best Bagel in Every State

You don't have to travel to New York for awesome bagels.

Yoma 61

A hairy dilemma.

Pesachim 115

It’s supposed to be confusing.

Pesachim 70

The importance of the RSVP.

Shabbat 74

Sifting and sorting.

A Celebration of New Friendships

Most of us live in a bubble – the bubble of our friends, our family, our workplace and our community. ...
