
Advice for B’nai Mitzvah

The first time I officiated at a bar mitzvah was when I was the visiting rabbi at a young congregation in ...

The Stewardship Paradigm

Humanity's dominion over the earth must be for the sake of the Divine.

Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass

The widespread violence of Nov. 9-10, 1938 signaled an escalation in the Nazi reign of terror.

Rosh Hashanah 32

The origins of Rosh Hashanah Musaf.

Love and Change

The Hebrew month of Elul teaches us that love, like change, requires risk.

Slavery in the Bible

Deuteronomy's legal treatment of slavery is more humane than the parallel laws in Exodus, and more practical than those in Leviticus.

This Is What You Can Do to Combat Trauma

Ever since David’s school bus got into an accident last summer, he’s felt jittery, irritable, and easily frightened. He’s having ...

Jews in the California Gold Rush

Jewish adventurers were crucial in establishing American civilization on the West Coast.

Nazi War Crimes Trials

The Nuremberg trials were the best known, but hardly the only efforts to hold perpetrators accountable.

The Jewish Denominations

A quick look at Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and Reconstructionist Judaism — and at other Jewish streams.
