
Joining Hands, Marching Together

Last week we celebrated Passover. The Seders I attended called me to think about Mitzrayim, the narrow places where people are still oppressed.I thought about the ...

Jewish Pirates and Other Treasures

It’s the end of the summer, and my children are educating me about Jewish pirates.“They lived in the Caribbean in ...

Making Jewish Life Accessible for All

February is Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month. Join us as we share stories that highlight the impact of inclusion in our camp communities.

This Jewish Girl Loves St. Pat’s in Jackson!

Jackson, Mississippi has one of the largest St. Patrick’s Day parades in the country. This Saturday, 70,000(!) people will line ...

Yom Kippur — A Different Read

The High Holidays are nearly upon us, and while it’s wonderful to carve out time for reflection, contemplation and community, ...

The Most Essential Kitchen Gadgets for Jewish Cooking

For everything from chicken soup to latkes, we can't live without these useful tools.

Chagigah 20

Cleanliness is not Godliness.
