
The Key Word of the Book of Lamentations

Eicha is both the Hebrew title of this biblical book and the word that best helps us understand what it really means.

Parashat Bamidbar: When Women Are Invisible

How do we make sense of the census commanded in this Torah portion, which specifies only men be counted?

Kitniyot: Not Quite Hametz

The Passover debate surrounding rice, millet, corn and legumes.

Abraham Ibn Ezra

A master Torah commentator who foreshadowed biblical criticism

Philip Roth: Selected Works

Jewish-American fiction's favorite troublemaker.

From the Academy: Musicology

Judah Cohen serves as The Lou and Sybil Mervis Professor of Jewish Culture and as an Assistant Professor of Jewish ...

Did God Write the Torah — and Does it Matter?

For many Jews, the Torah's authority does not derive from being a divine document.

Do We Need Lent in Judaism?

There are two funny images I like to circulate this time every year as we approach the Passover holiday. The ...

Do First, Understand Later

The Jews accepted the Torah with the statement "naaseh v'nishma" -- we will do and we will hear.
