
Berakhot 2a: What’s on the Opening Page of the Talmud

The Talmud treats the law as a given; its agenda is to see how the different understandings of that law relate to each other.

Mitzvot & Jewish Mystics

"Unitive" and "restorative" impulses propel the religious life of the Jewish mystic.

The Best Jewish and Israeli Food at Whole Foods

Jelly donut ice cream! Cholent mix! All the cream cheese!

Did God Write the Torah — and Does it Matter?

For many Jews, the Torah's authority does not derive from being a divine document.

Do We Need Lent in Judaism?

There are two funny images I like to circulate this time every year as we approach the Passover holiday. The ...

Do First, Understand Later

The Jews accepted the Torah with the statement "naaseh v'nishma" -- we will do and we will hear.

The Kernel of the Yet-To-Come

The renewal of the yearly cycle of Torah readings invites us to reconsider our foundational stories anew.

How I Ended Up Delivering the Sermon on Rosh Hashanah

Over the summer, Larry, the organizer of the minyan that I attend for Rosh Hashanah, sent out an email asking ...

Parashat Bereshit: Summary

A summary of the first portion of the Torah.
