
Kosher McDonalds and Jewish Cowboys

In 1850 two men found themselves standing under a tree near the famous Recoleta Cemetery in the center of Buenos ...

Faith In Difficult Times

Jeremiah's deep faith despite the impending exile predicted in Parashat B'hukotai can teach us to turn to God in the most troubling of times.

American Zionism Finds Its Voice

Reconciling American identity with support for a Jewish homeland

Greek Burekas, A Treat at Shavuot or Year-Round

The Shavuot holiday is upon us. We celebrate our becoming a people committed to living the gift of receiving and ...

The Soul of the Stranger

The commandment not to oppress the stranger can refer to war refugees, for whom the Torah demands intense compassion.

Ketubot 24

Proving priesthood.

Meditation and Medication

Judaism is not just a religion based on commandments and laws. Practicing Judaism and knowledge of Jewish Philosophy gives us ...

Searching for My People

My first job out of college was at a large insurance company in Baltimore. I was a computer programmer there, ...
