
Taanit 31

Dancing to the end of Tractate Taanit.

Tachanun: Engaging the Mind-Body Connection

In its tone and its language, this daily prayer nods to the themes and postures of the High Holidays.

One Small PRAYvor

Prayer is a very personal and private thing. In fact, to be honest to a fault, let me say that ...

Haftarah for Vayetzei

Hosea tells the Israelite kingdom: God's punishments will be harsh, but repentance is possible.

One Bowl Honey Cake Recipe

This easy Rosh Hashanah dessert is sure to impress.

I Don’t Resolve – I Make Plans, Based On Jewish Values

As the New Year approached, many people took out the pen and paper to note down their resolutions. Now the ...

On the 10th Anniversary of Katrina: Reflecting & Repairing

Ten  years ago, I couldn’t have imagined that I would be living in the state so devastated by the hurricane ...

Stuffed Apples for Sukkot

Did you know that it is traditional to eat stuffed foods on Sukkot?Originally, I thought it was just because they ...

The Fast of Esther: A Minor Fast Day

The joy of Purim is preceded by solemnity.
