
The Art of Teshuvah

The Jewish practice of repentance involves not merely turning away from sin, but turning toward the dark parts of ourselves.

High Holiday Zoom Services: How to Get the Most out of Them

Try these seven tips to make the holiday sacred and special, even if you're not going to synagogue in person.

Bring Your Own Books

Seven things to read in shul on the High Holidays.

Beyond Belief: Navigating Our Way Through the High Holy Days

“Where there is faith, there are fewer beliefs. You use beliefs to shore up opinions, rather than a relationship with ...

Coming to Believe in Collective Prayers of Repentance

How a former Catholic became a believer and leader of collective Jewish prayers of repentance.

From Shoe Boxes to Pandora’s Boxes

Challenging our parochial identities...

Taking Notice in Our Time

Renewal is possible at every moment.

Chicken Soup Around the World

The Jewish staple can be found in many different communities.
