Lag Ba’Omer Quiz

Test your knowledge of this minor Jewish holiday!


Test your knowledge of this minor Jewish holiday!

Question 1 of 8
The "omer" is counted off between what two holidays?
Question 2 of 8
Lag Ba'Omer is sometimes marked by which of the following activities?
Question 3 of 8
The counting of the omer is observed like a period of mourning. What is one explanation for why it is considered a period of mourning?
Question 4 of 8
What is one explanation for why we celebrate on Lag Ba’Omer?
Question 5 of 8
The Hebrew letters "lamed" and "gimel" which make the acronym "lag" represent what value?
Question 6 of 8
What city in Israel is it traditional for Jews to visit on Lag Ba'Omer?
Question 7 of 8
The story of Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai is often retold on Lag Ba'Omer. What is he known for?
Question 8 of 8
Which Talmudic sage is associated with Lag Ba'Omer?

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