Sweet and Sour Cabbage

Traditional fare from Eastern Europe.


Reprinted with permission from A Veggie Venture.

Whole generations refuse to eat cabbage, after eating nothing but cabbage during hard times. Well, hard times are here and at $.69 or less a pound, cabbage is a great choice for frugal grocery shoppers.

This recipe is for cooked cabbage in a sweet and sour sauce with ground caraway. This traditional Eastern Europe fare is inexpensive to make and filling.


1 cup skim milk

1/4 teaspoon ground carraway

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 Tablespoon butter

1 Tablespoon flour

1 lb cabbage, cut into wedges

1/2 lb carrots, peeled and cut in chunks on the diagonal

salt and pepper to taste

2 Tablespoons white wine vinegar



Bring the water to a boil. Add cabbage and carrots and cook until done. Drain. If you like, chop the cabbage into bite-size pieces. Set vegetables aside while making the sauce.

In a saucepan or the drained cabbage cooking pot, heat the butter until shimmery on medium heat. Stir in the flour, sugar and caraway and let cook for a minute or two. A tablespoon at a time, add the milk, stirring in each tablespoon before adding another. Stir in the vinegar. Stir in the cooked cabbage and carrots, warm through. Stir in salt and pepper. Let cook for another 5 – 10 minutes. Serve.


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