
The Ultimate Jewish Meatloaf Recipe

With its signature hard-boiled egg center, klops is more than just meatloaf.

Schmaltzy Noodle Kugel Recipe

A kugel recipe to celebrate the juncture of Jewish and Southern traditions.

The Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Although not associated with puberty, this rite represents a spiritual "coming of age" for adult Jews.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Planning

A guide to planning every step of your child's Bar or Bat Mitzvah.

About Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Age and its significance, terminology, parents' blessing, parent-child dynamics, and motivations for adult bar/bat mitzvah.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Resources

Links to sites about Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies, gifts, and parties

Contemporary Issues in Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Contemporary Bar/Bat Mitzvah Issues. The Bar / Bat Mitzvah Celebrarion. Jewish Coming of Age. Jewish Lifecycle

History of Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah

The initial impetus for adult bar/bat mitzvah came from men who, having missed the ceremony as adolescents, felt somehow incomplete as Jews.
