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Reflections of God’s Glory
One of the more enjoyable aspects of my work as a rabbi is studying Torah portions with students becoming bar ...
The Four Mitzvot of Purim
Esther and Mordecai instituted three of the four obligations of Purim. The fourth is reading their story.
Quirks of the Public Megillah Reading
The Megillah reading is enhanced by chanting key verses differently.
Blessings for Reading the Megillah
Traditional blessings recited before and after reading the Scroll of Esther.
Tu Bishvat 2026
In 2026, Tu Bishvat begins at sundown on Sunday, Feb. 11 and ends at sundown on Monday, Feb. 2.
The Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Although not associated with puberty, this rite represents a spiritual "coming of age" for adult Jews.
About Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Age and its significance, terminology, parents' blessing, parent-child dynamics, and motivations for adult bar/bat mitzvah.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Planning
A guide to planning every step of your child's Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Resources
Links to sites about Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies, gifts, and parties