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Requiem for a Suburban Shul
How do you close a synagogue? This is the question I have been confronting for the past few months as ...
Interfaith, Live, Rabbis Without Borders
Everyone Wants to Be Jewish. Why Stop Them?
Judaism is in fashion in the U.S.—and in Canada, too.Non-Jews are happy to join Jewish families. Christian communities want to explore ...
Women’s Tefillah Movement
How Orthodox women found a halakhic way to be involved in services.
Jack Nash z”l
Jack Nash, a hedge fund pioneer and important Jewish philanthropist, passed away yesterday at the age of 79. Mr. Nash ...
How Coffee Became Kosher for Passover
The interesting history of coffee and Passover in America.
Jewish Texts, Pray, Shema, Study
Shema as a Love Story
The three paragraphs of the Shema can be interpreted allegorically by connecting each of the three paragraphs to a different stage of a growing, loving relationship.
Teaching Judaism at CCNY
A new introduction to Judaism.
Italian Passover Customs and Recipes
Ancient traditions and foods animate Passover Seder for Italian Jews
The Seven Year Switch
Shmita, the Jewish sabbatical year, teaches that what we consider normal is just a construct -- and invites us to imagine alternatives.