
The D’var Torah as Religious Struggle

The struggle to find personal meaning in words of Torah and to share that message with the community is the essence of Jewish spiritual maturation.

Seeding New Jewish Rituals on an Organic Farm

Oliver Levis and his family take a DIY approach to crafting their own unique Jewish community in rural Vermont.

Advice for B’nai Mitzvah

The first time I officiated at a bar mitzvah was when I was the visiting rabbi at a young congregation in ...

The Parents’ Blessing: Baruch She-p’tarani

The bar mitzvah ceremony is medieval, but a bar mitzvah blessing appears nearly a millenium earlier.

The Wilderness of Sinai

Bamidbar is my daughter Elena’s bat mitzvah portion. As she was approaching bat mitzvah, fifteen years ago, my father was ...

Non-Jewish Mothers and the Blessings on the Torah

Could an aliyah be a way to honor the sacrifices of a non-Jewish mother who raises a Jewish child?


Links for children

I’m sorry, it’s a SIMCHAH!

I know, I should say something.  But I don’t.  I’m sorry.  Every time someone calls a joyous event a “mitzvah,” ...

Jewish Parenting

Advice and resources for parents and prospective parents

Boy Connects Pennsylvania with Uganda

Inspired by need and connection, bar mitzvah boy reaches across the globe.
