
Judaism and the Environment: The Time Is Now

It is a tree of life to those who hold it close and all of its supporters are happy. Its ...

Investigating the Individuals to Whom We Contribute

A contemporary Conservative rabbi reviews the Jewish legal literature for guidance on how much to ask about a person who solicits us for tzedakah--or whether to give to all who request our help.

Transgender Day of Remembrance and the Life of Sarah

This d’var Torah was given by Rabbi Becky Silverstein at the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center on Friday, November 14th. We ...

Rain as a Blessing

Ecological balance and our prayer for rain.

The Best Jewish Food in Detroit

A cultivated list of classic and innovative eats in collaboration with The Gefilteria.

How My Non-Jewish Husband Became in Charge of Making Latkes Every Hanukkah

My husband is definitively non-Jewish by all religious standards. Except for his latke skills.

Jewish Views on Stem Cell Research

The stem cells most likely to be of scientific value come from discarded embryos. Is it ethical to use these?

Parashat Ki Teitze: Amalek and the Good Soldier

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as  parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

Bedtime Shema

Asking God for peace and protection in this evening prayer.

Our Prophets, Ourselves: Jonah, Judgment and the Act of Repentance

In many ways, the message of the Book of Jonah seems antithetical to that of Yom Kippur.
