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Live, Pray, Rabbis Without Borders, Women & Feminism
Funky Kippot in the Diaspora
There is no conformity for liberal Jewish women in the synagogue when it comes to wearing a head covering. Look ...
Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Jewish Texts, Live, Prayer Services, Study
What Is the Haftarah, and Why Do We Read It?
Each Torah portion is paired with a passage from the Prophets.
Live, Rabbis Without Borders, Weddings & Marriage
Prepare, Otherwise We Might Just Miss It
I have felt particularly blessed lately. I just celebrated 10 years of service at my congregation. Thankfully, these 10 years have been ...
Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Celebrate, Disability, Live, Members of the Scribe, Pray, Shabbat
The Jewish Message
Earlier this week, Tom Fields-Meyer wrote about reading and thinking about books and took a look at autism and God. He has been ...
MyJewishLearning Quizzes
Test Your Knowledge of Judaism. Or Challenge a Friend!
Camp All Day, Every Day
A cookie is just a cookie, but a Newton is fruit and cake.A camp is just a camp, but MY ...
How Do You “Feel” Jewish?
At my congregation in New Orleans, I teach an adult beginner Hebrew class. There are many different types of students ...
Relational Judaism For the 21st Century
As I travel around the country visiting Jewish institutions of all kinds, my “worry” quotient is growing daily. Nearly everywhere ...
Beliefs & Practices, Birth, Brit Milah, Live, Study
Why the Minyan? Community and Brit Milah
The customary quorum of 10 represents the community and its obligations to the child.