
Funky Kippot in the Diaspora

There is no conformity for liberal Jewish women in the synagogue when it comes to wearing a head covering. Look ...

What Is the Haftarah, and Why Do We Read It?

Each Torah portion is paired with a passage from the Prophets.

Prepare, Otherwise We Might Just Miss It

I have felt particularly blessed lately. I just celebrated 10 years of service at my congregation. Thankfully, these 10 years have been ...

The Jewish Message

Earlier this week, Tom Fields-Meyer wrote about reading and thinking about books and took a look at autism and God. He has been ...

MyJewishLearning Quizzes

Test Your Knowledge of Judaism. Or Challenge a Friend!

Our Top 10 Jewish Grandma Recipes

From creamy rice pudding to stuffed cabbage.

Camp All Day, Every Day

A cookie is just a cookie, but a Newton is fruit and cake.A camp is just a camp, but MY ...

How Do You “Feel” Jewish?

At my congregation in New Orleans, I teach an adult beginner Hebrew class. There are many different types of students ...

Relational Judaism For the 21st Century

As I travel around the country visiting Jewish institutions of all kinds, my “worry” quotient is growing daily. Nearly everywhere ...

Why the Minyan? Community and Brit Milah

The customary quorum of 10 represents the community and its obligations to the child.
