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How Jewish Camping Got Me To Move To Mississippi
My family and friends back home were baffled when I announced that, upon graduating from college, I would be moving ...
Top 100 Jewish Books
Top 100 Jewish Books. Important Jewish Books. What Makes a Text Jewish. What are Jewish Texts. About Jewish Texts. Jewish Texts. People of the Book.
Denominations, Jewish History, Live, Study
A Rabbi’s Journey to Humanistic Judaism
Seeking to resolve questions and doubts, the author is led to the Secular Humanist Jewish rabbinate.
Jewish Law, Jewish Texts, Midrash, Study
Let My People Go
Exploring Moses and Aaron's confrontation with Pharaoh
21 Mouth-Watering Ways to Eat Thanksgiving Leftovers
It’s Friday morning and you’ve got a fridge full of leftover turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing and cranberry sauce. ...
Jewish Text Study Is Traditionally A Communal Activity
Reading Jewish texts is not just a religious act, it is an act of communal identification and communication.
Colombia-Raised Entrepreneur Brings Latin American Judaica to Etsy
Co-founder of Ikku craft store empowers Colombian and Guatemalan artisans who have been victims of violence.
Celebrate, Disability, The Canteen
My Son, His Autism, and My New Appreciation for Hanukkah
Last August, when my son, Jonah, returned from sleepaway camp with a sunburn, an array of nasty-looking mosquito bites, and a ...