
Why Some Senior Citizens Have a Second Bar Mitzvah

Often held at age 83, the rite is tantamount to a renewal of vows.

Stories My Mother Never Told: My Bat Mitzvah Speech

“Stories My Mother Never Told” is a three-part blog series dedicated to re-envisioning what it can mean for parents and ...

Modest Bat Mitzvah Creates Feminist Consciousness

Differences between a traditional bar and bat mitzvah are all too visible when the honorees are brother and sister.

Deconstructing Black Bar Mitzvahs

Apparently Paul Marx decided to answer my burning question from yesterday, “What is a black bar mitzvah?” With an op-ed ...

SNL’s Bar Mitzvah Sketch

Are you still watching Saturday Night Live? A lot of people tell me that they no longer watch the show ...

Frasier’s Bar Mitzvah in Klingon

Frasier's Bar Mitzvah in Klingon

Todo lo que necesitas saber si te invitan a un bar o bat mitzvá

Qué esperar y cómo comportarte en un bar or bat mitzvá.

His Bar Mitzvah; My Religious Crisis

How do you send your child to Hebrew school when you hated it?

Lost and Found: An Airplane and a Bar Mitzvah

My husband and I are binge-watching  Lost , a 2004-2010 TV series. An airplane crashes, leaving survivors stranded without rescue ...

You Should Have Seen His Bat Mitzvah

Here’s the wonder that is Athens Boys Choir. The name is deceiving — ABC is actually a hip-hop group of ...
