
The Nosher Presents A Week of Passover Cooking Classes

It’s a Passover miracle! Christmas, er, Hanukkah has come early! You are all lucky ducks, because for the first time ...

Sukkah 47

Finding sacred purpose.

Passover (Pesach) At Home

Passover is one of the major festivals of the year where the home rituals are of such significance and importance that they overshadow those done in the community.

Jews in Hollywood, 1930-1950

American Jews and the making of the movie industry.

Yes, It’s (Not) All About the Seder

So what is the significance of these rituals? How do we choose what we will and will not do to take notice of this holiday?

Parashat B’ha’alotkha Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Jewish Law, Shabbat and the World to Come

The school of Shammai constructed its version of the Sabbath laws on the basis of the notion that Shabbat is a foretaste of life in the perfect world, yet to come.

The Hasidic Numa Numa

If you haven’t gotten the flavour of Jeremy Moses’s writing, what are you waiting for? Here’s the direct link on ...

Isaac Luria and Kabbalah in Safed

After the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, the center of kabbalistic study moved to the town of Safed in northern Palestine.
