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Jewish Grandparenting
Creating a lasting and meaningful Jewish relationship with your grandchildren.
12 Things to Bring Back from Israel
All the chocolate, spices and wine your suitcase can carry.
7 Tips for Hosting Yom Kippur Break Fast (Without Breaking a Sweat)
It's all about prepping ahead and taking it easy.
A Mexican Jewish Babka is Taking Over Chicago
Jewish classics get Mexican flavors from this new Chicago bakery.
Shabbat and Meditation: Just Be It
How mindfulness can deepen your Shabbat experience — and vice versa
Celebrate, Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah Theology and Themes
What these holidays that follow Sukkot are about.
JOFA's Torch, Live, Women & Feminism
Torah for One. Torah for All.
Two years ago a number of parents in my community approached me for assistance. Their daughters would all become b’not ...
This Map Shows the Best Jewish Deli in Every State
The best pastrami, matzah balls, bagels and blintzes all across the country.
Celebrate, Passover, Passover Food
Eating Matzah At the Seder
The bread of poverty has a rich history in Rabbinic literature.
Jewish Indian Cuisine
India's three Jewish communities have unique histories and unique cuisines.