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Supplementary Seder Readings
Remembering the oppressed--and others in need--at the seder
7 LGBTQ+ Jews of Color You Should Know
These talented people represent an array of Jewish experience and racial/ethnic identity.
Complete Text of Ashrei
The Talmud teaches that one who recites Ashrei three times daily is guaranteed a place in the World to Come.
This Map Shows Where to Get the Best Bagel in Every State
You don't have to travel to New York for awesome bagels.
Ancient/Medieval Jewish History, Jewish History, Jewish Texts, Study
The Almohads
The seizure of power in the Maghreb by a fanatical sect disrupted the relations between Muslims and Jews.
Jewish Law, Jewish Texts, Study
Geonic Responsa
The earliest exchange of halachic questions and answers.
Beliefs & Practices, God, Live, Study
From Belief to Faith
Can the skeptic embark on a Jewish spiritual journey?
Judaism and Pets: Questions and Answers
What Jewish tradition says about cats, dogs and other companion animals.