
Food Blessings

I have to eat in holiness and purity, because I am doing God's will by eating.

Supplementary Seder Readings

Remembering the oppressed--and others in need--at the seder

7 LGBTQ+ Jews of Color You Should Know

These talented people represent an array of Jewish experience and racial/ethnic identity.

Planning a Brit Milah (Bris)

What to do before your son's circumcision.

Complete Text of Ashrei

The Talmud teaches that one who recites Ashrei three times daily is guaranteed a place in the World to Come.

This Map Shows Where to Get the Best Bagel in Every State

You don't have to travel to New York for awesome bagels.

The Almohads

The seizure of power in the Maghreb by a fanatical sect disrupted the relations between Muslims and Jews.

Geonic Responsa

The earliest exchange of halachic questions and answers.

From Belief to Faith

Can the skeptic embark on a Jewish spiritual journey?

Judaism and Pets: Questions and Answers

What Jewish tradition says about cats, dogs and other companion animals.
