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How to Make Challah
Make perfect, fluffy challah every time with this classic recipe.
Challah Recipes, Eat, Food Videos, Holiday Food, Jewish Recipes, Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah Food, Sukkot, Sukkot/Simchat Torah Food
VIDEO: How to Braid Challah with Help from Breads Bakery
An expert lesson on how to make beautiful, festive challah.
Challah Recipes, Eat, Jewish Recipes
How to Make Rainbow Challah
The food rainbow craze has already hit bagels and grilled cheese. Now it livens up this Sabbath bread.
Blessings for Food, Eat, Shabbat
Ask the Expert: For Shabbat, Can I Use a Different Type of Bread Instead of Challah?
What works for saying the blessings and "taking challah"?
Challah Recipes, Eat, Jewish Recipes, Shabbat Dishes
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Challah
Challah is sort of my thing. I’ve been baking my own and tweaking my recipe since I am 16 years ...
Challah Recipes, Eat, Jewish Recipes, Rosh Hashanah Food
Balsamic Apple Date Challah for Rosh Hashanah
When you break into the round loaf, it is like biting into a challah cinnamon bun.
Challah Recipes, Eat, Jewish Recipes
A Year in Challah
It’s the time of year when every blog and website is putting up their “best of” list. Instead of going ...
Shabbat Recipe Roundup
Can you believe this is the last Shabbat of July!? Summer is flying right by though we’ve still got a ...