
Prayer for Voters

Even though most Jews live in democracies, they continue to pray for their leaders -- not the people who elect them.

Esther and Daniel: Biblical Advice for Diaspora Communities

How should Jews live under foreign rule? These biblical books offer different answers to a 2,000-year-old question.

Shiva, the First Seven Days of Mourning

Shiva is observed in the home as an intensive mourning period for close relatives.

Kindness In Disguise

By judging others favorably and responding to them with kindness, we add holiness to the world.

These Nine Tombs Have Attracted Jewish Pilgrims for Centuries

Take a look inside the places that Abraham, King David, Queen Esther and other biblical characters are said to have been buried.

The Nishmat Prayer

A thanksgiving hymn recited on Sabbath and holidays.

A New Normal

Summer is over and the excitement of my son Jonah’s longest ever stay at sleep-away camp, three weeks, is starting ...

Parashat Ha’azinu: Summary

Moses recites a song to the Children of Israel that testifies to their covenant with God.

What Matzah Symbolizes

Unleavened bread represents both slavery and freedom.
