
Ending Shiva

Getting up and walking around the block marks the end of a week of mourning.

The Message our “Stuff” Sends

Hair Dye as HistoryWhile I have never used hair dye myself, I certainly watch my share of TV, and so ...

Why I Look Forward to Fasting

Finding meaning on Yom Kippur is nourishing in its own way

Why Are The Bathroom Breaks of Presidential Candidates Newsworthy?

I’ll be honest. I am both fascinated and horrified by many of the daily updates in these still early stages ...

Eating My Way Through Israel

Hi everyone – I am back from Israel! Hope you have been enjoying all the amazing guest posts while I ...

A Jewish Weaning Ceremony

The celebration of an infant's weaning goes back to the feast Abraham held for his son Isaac.

Dressing Up As Vashti

Little girls don’t usually dress up as Vashti for Purim. Esther is the heroine, after all, and those poofy princess ...

Parashat Miketz: Summary

Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams and is appointed to implement Egypt's anti-famine plan, which brings him into contact with his brothers again.

The Rashida Jones All-Stars

I mentioned yesterday that my next post would be my team for the Rashida Jones All-Stars. Now, if you didn’t ...

Mary Antin

This best-selling author celebrated the immigrant experience and the boundless opportunity of America.
