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Why Parents Are the Only Loved Ones Traditionally Mourned a Full Year
Rites for mothers and fathers are more demanding than those for other relatives, even siblings, spouses and children.
American Jews, Jewish History, Modern Jewish History
American Jewish Life, 1980-2000
Political and Social Integration
Ask the Expert: Why Are Jews By Choice Sons of Abraham and Daughters of Sarah?
When called to the Torah, converts get a special lineage.
Reading Genesis as a Book
The story of the family that will become the people of Israel is seen as the focus of a larger, universal history.
A Jewish Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day isn’t a specifically Jewish holiday — or, to put it more bluntly, the goyim celebrate it, too — ...
Bible, FAQ, Jewish Texts, Study
Does the Bible Condone Slavery?
Why it's imperative to fight slavery even though the Torah tolerates it.