
Bamia (Okra) with Tomatoes

A Libyan dish for before Tisha B'Av.

Steve Stern

Steve Stern's The Wedding Jester.

The Purpose and Meaning of Sex in Judaism

Judaism approves of sex and sexual pleasure, valuing it as a means toward procreation and companionship.

The Times Are A-Changing

In his final poetic speech to the Israelites, Moses encourages them to understand the potential for change in every generation.

Deb Perelman Tells Us Why the New Smitten Kitchen Cookbook Is Stacked With Jewish Recipes

The book is dedicated to her late father, and filled with recipes inspired by her Jewish family.

Famous Roots: An Interview With My Babbi and Zayde

My maternal grandmother fought to escape her Lower East Side. My Babbi was born in 1932 and raised on Pitt ...

Tsnius Is Tsexy

Tsnius, or tzniut, is a word that means modesty, and refers to special Jewish laws about how men and women ...

Reading Genesis as a Book

The story of the family that will become the people of Israel is seen as the focus of a larger, universal history.

8 Jewish Egg Dishes for Every Occasion

From frittatas to home remedies.

Where Was Moses?

The hero of the Exodus is nearly absent from the Passover account.
