
When Lightning Strikes

My ten-year-old son, Jake, has become excessively frightened by lightning. He used to be mildly scared by the noise of ...

The Jewish Food Trends You’ll Be Seeing In 2019

Get ready for carbs and comfort food in the coming year.

A Completely Trivial and Out-of-Context Snapshot of Israeli Military Rule

The army usually declares a closure of the Palestinian territories for the holidays, meaning that all permits allowing Palestinians entrance into Israel become null and void.

Passover: a Tribute to Women’s Wisdom

Over the generations women did not wait until the night of the Seder to show their commitment to upholding tradition. ...

What Are Kohanim, or Jewish ‘Priests’?

Descendants of the biblical figure Aaron, kohanim enjoy special privileges.

Teens & Screens Part 2: Cyberbullying

The following is the second in a three-part series on how to help safely navigate the world of social media ...

Synagogues and Settlements

Rabbi Elie Kaunfer is the author of Empowered Judaism: What Independent Minyanim Can Teach Us about Building Vibrant Jewish Communities. ...

A Light in the Dark

As I write this, there is a lot of negative energy in the world. There seems a force asking people ...
