
The Autobiography of Judaism

For someone whose life is writing on the Internet, Patrick Aleph still has a lot of secrets.Aside from running the ...

Does the Bible Condone Slavery?

Why it's imperative to fight slavery even though the Torah tolerates it.

Parashat Beha’alotcha: The Grand March Toward the Good

This Torah portion illustrates what happens when we put our individual needs first.

Abundant Love: The Wisdom of Jacob

On his deathbed, Jacob finally sees his children stand together.

When Lightning Strikes

My ten-year-old son, Jake, has become excessively frightened by lightning. He used to be mildly scared by the noise of ...

The Concealed Face of God

Why isn't God mentioned in the Book of Esther?

Tzom Gedaliah

The history and observance of this minor fast day right after Rosh Hashanah.

Jews & Sports on the International Scene

The history of Jews in Europe and the early Zionist movement show ample examples of the convergence of sports and Judaism. By Michael Brenner
