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Perfect Kale Chips
When I was pregnant with my daughter I discovered the wonder of kale chips. I was craving leafy greens, and ...
Antisemitism & Bigotry, Members of the Scribe
How Judaism Became the Foundation of My Memoir
The one thing that has really shocked me about my new book is how Jewish it is.I’m a nonobservant Jew, ...
Bible, Gender & Sexuality, Study, Women & Feminism
Women & War
We cannot condone the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.
Holocaust, Jewish History, Members of the Scribe, Study
Stumbling Stones
In 1989 I accompanied my parents and brother on my mother’s first visit back to her birthplace of Freiburg im Breisgau ...
Developing a Relationship With the Born-Jewish Family
A convert must step gingerly across a minefield of long-held expectations, sometimes complicated by ambivalence toward Jewishness.
The History of Hanukkah Donuts
From Sephardic bimuelos to the American Jews behind Dunkin' Donuts.
Celebrate, Israel, Mixed Multitudes, Study
Best Of The Rest Of The Best (Of The Rest)
I’ll start with some advice. Never take an overnight bus anywhere, especially for a family gathering. All you get is ...
Jewish Law, Modern Jewish History, Sages & Scholars
Moshe Feinstein
This 20th-century rabbi was the leading Jewish law authority of his generation.