
Time for Christian Voices Against Anti-Semitism

Is anti-Semitism like pornography? Do we know it when we see it? Absurd on the one hand, this analogy helps ...

Orthodox and Coming Out…As an Ally

In January 2012, Keshet’s Director of Special Projects, Gregg Drinkwater, addressed audiences at Limmud Colorado, a conference dedicated to advancing ...

Ask the Expert: Apologizing

How should I say I'm sorry?

How to Remain True to God — And Each Other

The morning blessing Yotzer Or teaches something fundamental about the Jewish conception of God, and the key to successful human relationships.

French Jewish History, 1650-1914

The Republic's liberal principles brought tolerance and opportunity.

The Key Word of the Book of Lamentations

Eicha is both the Hebrew title of this biblical book and the word that best helps us understand what it really means.

Kitniyot: Not Quite Hametz

The Passover debate surrounding rice, millet, corn and legumes.

Parashat Bamidbar: When Women Are Invisible

How do we make sense of the census commanded in this Torah portion, which specifies only men be counted?

Abraham Ibn Ezra

A master Torah commentator who foreshadowed biblical criticism

From the Academy: Musicology

Judah Cohen serves as The Lou and Sybil Mervis Professor of Jewish Culture and as an Assistant Professor of Jewish ...
