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Beliefs & Practices, End of Life, FAQ, Sponsored
Jewish Perspectives on End-of-Life Care
Jewish approaches to medical decision-making for the terminally ill.
Adventurous Eaters Love This Jerusalem Street Food
How this offal-heavy dish stood the test of time.
When the Mikvah Water Touches Your Black Hair
A conversion brings wholeness to body, mind and spirit.
Bible, Jewish Texts, Study, Suffering & Evil in Judaism, Tisha B'Av
The Book of Eicha: Faith in a Whirlwind
At the core of Lamentations is an expression of faith in the human capacity to survive in a broken world.
Celebrate, Jewish History, Mixed Multitudes, Study
Free Love and Communal Shabbat Dinners
When I lived in San Francisco, I didn’t have much going on in the way of hospitality — mainly because ...
Engage All Texts
At a time when Jewish influence has increased, how do we approach unethical commandments?
Jacob and His Two Wives
The emotional struggles of our ancestors can help guide us today.
Is Civil Divorce Enough?
The liberal movements who have held that a civil divorce constitutes a get, or Jewish divorce, are finding that on an emotional, religious level, it's just not enough.
Ancient Israel, Ancient/Medieval Jewish History, Jewish History, Study
Jewish Life in Palestine at the Beginning of the Christian Era
What daily life was like from the first through fifth centuries.