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Jewish Law, Jewish Texts, Study
Early Modern Halachic Texts
An introduction to the works of the aharonim.
Celebrate, Jerusalem Day, More Holidays
The Heavenly Jerusalem
An idealized Jerusalem arose out of the ashes of the Temple's destruction and the city's ruins.
Anxiety Resources
How to Get Help from A ProfessionalTalking to a mental health professional can help you put things in perspective, figure ...
Gender & Sexuality, Keshet, Live
Parashat Balak: Something Queer in the Vineyards
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...
Israel, Israel History, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Jewish History, Modern Israel, Study
The Territories After the Six-Day War
An overview of Israel's relationship to the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights.