
What Is the Origin of Hanukkah?

The popular holiday isn't mentioned in the Bible and is barely addressed in the Talmud.

Vegan Latkes for Hanukkah

If you are looking for an egg-free and dairy-free version of your favorite potato latkes, look no further!

Orthodox Halakhic Texts

Orthodox leaders responded to modernity by producing legal works on a variety of topics, in a variety of genres.

The War on Hanukkah Gelt

Yesterday I gave a bag of Hanukkah gelt to a non-Jewish friend of mine. It was leftover from the holiday, ...

Post-Hanukkah Detox

Hanukkah is over, and much as I love a holiday that gives me an excuse to eat fried cheese, I ...

Hanukkah Snuggies, Oy!

There’s not much we as Jews can really unite under. We tend to agree that the Holocaust was bad (and ...

Hanukkah: A Light Meditation

Looking into the flame.

Taking Sides on Hanukkah

I often wonder what group I would have belonged to when people were being asked to stand up and be ...

Is it Permissible to Work on Hanukkah?

Jews rest on Shabbat and other holidays. Does that include Hanukkah?

Publicizing the Hanukkah Miracle

Why the rabbis of the Talmud thought lighting candles was so important.
