
Giving Gelt: Starting A Family Giving Circle (Part 2)

Around Hanukkah this past year, my family decided to start our own giving circle. Sitting around the kitchen table, armed with ...

Can Halloween Be Made Jewish?

Transforming the October holiday into a Jewish celebration.

The Best Jewish and Israeli Food at Whole Foods

Jelly donut ice cream! Cholent mix! All the cream cheese!

Shabbat Recipe Roundup: Bye-bye 2011

It’s the last Shabbat of 2011, so better make it special!Looking to start your Shabbat with a festive drink? This ...

Glatt Kosher

The name for this particular practice has come to stand for more stringent kashrut standards in general.

After 10 Years as an Agunah and 2 Gets Later, I Know Better.

After two difficult divorces "chained" her, an Orthodox mom finds a way to protect her freedom.

Throwing a Party for Prenups

After 28 years of marriage (BH!) Adam Dicker and I signed a post-nuptial agreement this past Saturday night at the ...

Imminent Holy War

The fight over Jerusalem’s gay pride parade just intensified. Apparently, Jerusalem Police Chief Ilan Franko met with Ultra-Orthodox leader Yitzhak ...
