
Contemporary Jews and Halakhah

Jews of different stripes differ greatly with respect to their assessment of the role Jewish law should play today—and each camp has much to learn from the others.

What Is An Upsherin, or Halaqah?

Why some Jews ritualize their son's first haircut at age 3.

The Darker Side of Hanukkah

Some different--and surprising--stories about how the Maccabean revolt began.

Modern Observances of Hanukkah

A holiday influenced by secular society

Ambivalence Toward Hanukkah

The holiday we celebrate today is a rabbinic creation.

Defining Hanukkah: Pluralism

Hanukkah represents the struggle to follow one's values and religion in a pluralistic world that often demands uniformity.

Is Hanukkah the Jewish Christmas?

Hanukkah bears no relation to Christmas except that it also happens to fall in mid-winter.

The Two Miracles of Hanukkah

Ancient scriptures tell two very different stories about why we celebrate the Festival of Lights.

God is a Halakhic Jew

It’s been interesting to monitor the response to our new animated short The Adventures of Todd and God. For the ...

Celebrating Hanukkah… Even If You Don’t Celebrate Hanukkah

The holiday spirit is here, and I’ll be celebrating Hanukkah this week to its fullest. My family will pause to ...
