
My Grandmother’s Iraqi Jewish Sambusak Are the Perfect Appetizer

These savory chickpea pockets also happen to be vegan.

The One Trick You Need to Make Better Latkes

Your mother and grandmother were wrong.

The Nuts and Bolts of Peace with Iran

“Even if the messiah tarries, nonetheless, I believe and wait for him, but peace with Iran? Impossible.” When I asked ...

Writing Jewish Law: The 17th and 18th Century

A survey of the great post-Shulhan Arukh legal authorities.

Nope, No Big Xmas Plans

Isn’t the holiday season wonderful? Don’t you just love the beauty of it all? Or actually don’t you secretly hate ...

From Hail Mary to Hail Miriam

At 6’2”, 210-pound Avi Rosenblum has tattoos that reflect his religious faith and cultural heritage. He stands out. Some might ...

Chabad Messianism & Conversion

Recent stories about conversion standards in Israel have revolved around halakhic observance (or the lack thereof), but an interesting case ...

Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi: Back in the Land

These three prophets are principally concerned with the status of the Temple, the new religious hierarchy, and the religious obligations of the post-exilic community.

Contemporary Issues in Jewish Divorce

Confronting the issue of agunot, or "chained" wives.

The Time Is Now: Express Your Rabbinic Will

There are several things that happen when a stone is thrown into a lake. First, the stone pierces the top ...
