
Erusin: The First of the Two Ceremonies

Erusin, the ancient betrothal ceremony, includes two blessings and the ring ceremony, and is followed by the reading of the marriage contract.

Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha

External texts from the Second Temple period.

Light Growing in My Darkness

I am a person particularly affected by sunlight, aware of a shift in my body and mood that coincides with ...

Can Our Love Be Bigger Than Our Fear?

My fear is not very far below the surface. It rises when I hear about another shooting in Brooklyn, sometimes ...

Blessing the New Moon

The ritual of blessing the moon is not widely practiced--but carries deep spiritual meaning.

When a Woman Leads Services, A Community Struggles With Its Identity

Recently, the Ritual Committee of my congregation, Kehillat Yedidya in Jerusalem, asked its members whether we might occasionally allow Kabbalat ...

Leil Purim: A Kurdish Jewish Women’s Holiday

Imitating Queen Esther, Kurdish Jewish women used to bathe in the river on Purim night.

Jewish Food Tourney: # 8 Brisket vs #9 Sufganiyot

We had our first upset yesterday. #10 Gefilte Fish beat #7 Hamentashen. I was so excited I had trouble falling ...


Genesis 41:1-44:17
